Part Time - Health Care - Research Assistant


We are hiring a part-time research assistant for a research project titled “Examining the Impact of Intensive Care Unit Diary Programs on Critical-Care Nurses”. This mixed methods study will investigate the effect of participating in an ICU diary program on critical-care nurses. The objective of the survey is to answer questions about the nurse’s perception on job satisfaction, burnout, and exploration of ICU nurse experience. The project is being implemented at three locations within the UPMC Central PA health system and the project coordinators are based in Hershey, PA. Most trainings and meetings will be virtual. Approximately 10 – 20 hours per week through Fall 2024 and Spring 2025 Semesters.


Job Duties

Job duties include but are not limited to:

  • Assist with recruiting and communicating with participants.
  • Assist with running virtual focus groups with participants.
  • Assist with data entry, transcription, management, and maintain data protection and quality.
  • Assist with literature search and other research work assigned.
  • Assist with data analysis and organization.
  • Attend and contribute to scheduled team meetings.
  • Assist with marketing and communication where needed.
  • Other duties as needed to carry out study procedures.


Requirements and Qualifications

  • Must be a team player who is able to work with faculty and all research team members, but also able to work independently to meet project deadlines.
  • Strong professional and interpersonal communication skills required, both written and verbal.
  • Comfort working in all Microsoft programs and Zoom videoconferencing.
  • Preference may be given to individuals specializing in healthcare or related fields who have experience working in critical care areas.
  • All applicants must upload a Curriculum Vitae (CV) or resume for full consideration.



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